
Tan Towel Towelettes (50 Pack)

$ 40.58

Availability: 360 in stock
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  • Brand: Tan Towel


    50 TanTowel Towelettes.
    Simple and convenient, once you try it you will never go back to creams, foams or bottles!
    Results will start to appear in approximately 3 hours. This is not a stain or dye, it works with the proteins and sugars in your skin. You achieve a natural looking color. For a darker tan you can apply another TanTowel or TanTowel Plus after 3 hours. Your tan will last 5-7 days. When you notice fading re-apply. 1. Remove and unfold towelette. 2. Fold into quarters and rotate during application. 3. Repeat steps 1 & 2 if needed. (If the towelette is dry you are not tanning) 4. WASH HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER APPLICATION.
    TanTowel Half Body and TanTowel Half Body Plus, measure 7.1" X  9". These towelettes are designed for partial body application, such as arms, legs or face.
    Full Body and Full Body Plus, measure 9" x 12" and are designed for full body application.
    "Plus" designates the Deeper /Darker Tanning formula (not size).
    There are 4 kinds of Tan Towel Self-Tanning Moist Towelettes
    TanTowel Half Body Classic
    - Regular size towelettes, regular tanning formula.
    TanTowel Half Body Plus
    - Regular size towelettes, Deeper / Darker tanning formula.
    Tan Towel Full Body Classic
    - Larger size towelettes, regular tanning formula.
    Tan Towel Full Body Plus
    - Larger size towelettes, Deeper / Darker tanning formula.
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